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lunedì 7 gennaio 2013

Vienna New Year's Day Concert with Franz Welser-Most, Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, Josef and Johann Strauss

Well, I am thinking of a post about these Christmas holidays till New Year's Eve and beyond. I don't know whether I will write it as I want, but... here's a stumble of mine on CMClassicalMusic on StumbleUpon about New Year's Day Concert on BBC Radio 3.

A traditional concert with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra directed by Franz Welser-Most and music by Giuseppe Verdi, Richard Wagner, Josef and Johann Strauss.

Did you like these compositions?

By Giuseppe Verdi: Prestissimo, ballet music from Act 3 of 'Don Carlo'.

By Richard Wagner: Prelude to Act III of 'Lohengrin'

By Josef Strauss:

Die Soubrette, Op. 109, 

Theater-Quadrille, Op. 213,

Spährenklänge, Op. 235;

Die Spinnerin, Op. 192,

Hesperusbahnen, waltz, Op. 279;

Galoppin, Op. 237,

Plappermäulchen, Op. 245

By Johann Strauss:

Kuss-Walzer, Op. 400

Aus den Bergen, Op. 292

Melodien Quadrille, Op. 112

Wo die Citronen blüh'n, Op. 364

By Johann Strauss (Snr): Recollections of Ernst or The Carnival of Venice", Op .126.

And also music by

- Suppé: Light Cavalry overture

- Hellmesberger: Unter vier Augen

- Lanner: Steyrische Tänze, Op. 165.
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