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sabato 21 giugno 2014

Choral Music from Northern Italy? Compagnia Sacco with «La Marietta» at «Voces» Festival in Lombardy

Wonderful polyphony from Ceriana, Liguria, in Northern Eastern Italy, near to Southern France. Amazing interacting between their voices in Morbegno, Valtellina.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Choral Music from Northern Italy? Compagnia Sacco with «La Marietta» <a href="">@CMChoralMusic</a> <a href="">@CalogeroMiraEng</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; MCMusic (@CMiraMusic) <a href="">June 21, 2014</a></blockquote>
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 Saturday June 21, 2014

mercoledì 28 maggio 2014

Finnish Harmonica and Traditional Music? Kyytiläinen –The Captured Passenger by Sväng

It seems to be a bit sad composition I was listening to on Late Junction, with Fiona Talkington, BBC Radio 3. And you may listen to - or watch - it on CMWorldMusic on StumbleUpon. Broader spaces in your imagination? Well, surely what I found on some social networks is this group is an harmonica quartet from Helsinki.

Wednesday May 28, 2014 

martedì 13 maggio 2014

Rock? Akshak by God Loves Fags

Does this song - which you may listen to on CMRock on StumbleUpon - express "decay" and psychedelia? Maybe. Surely I like it. It was published in the album As We Took A Power Nap and I was listening to it on Late Junction, BBC Radio 3, with Max Reinhardt. The episode of this programme with this song also on my StumbleUpon profile.

Tuesday May 13, 2014

lunedì 28 aprile 2014

venerdì 25 aprile 2014

Vocal Music Mournings. Good Friday in Porto Empedocle, Sicily

Video. And this post will be edited in the next days.

 <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Vocal Music Mournings <a href="">@CMWorldMusic</a> <a href="">@CMiraMusic</a> <a href="">@CMItTravelAnd</a> <a href="">@CMEuTravelAnd</a> <a href="">@CMTravelAnd</a> Good Friday in... <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; CMChoralMusic (@CMChoralMusic) <a href="">April 25, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Friday April 25, 2014

mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014

Wonderful Harps in Gosteg Dafydd Athro Played by William Taylor and Underlight by Áine O' Dwyer

A traditional Welsh composition Gosteg Dafydd Athro played with a Welsh harp. As I got to know from a page - more information in my tags and labels below or on CMWorldMusic on StumbleUpon and CMBritWorldMusic on Reddit.

O' Dwyer. Have you ever listened to her track on SoundCloud? I love it. Anyway, here's CMWorldMusic on SoundCloud.

Wednesday January 29, 2014

martedì 28 gennaio 2014

Eastern European Traditional Music? Polegnala E Todora Sung By Ensemble Of The Bulgarian Republic

Its director is Philip Koutev and the translation of the title is Theodora Is Dozing, as I got to know from a programme on a British public radio station which broadcasted this track from an album, Music of Bulgaria. If you know this song, you would probably love it. And... more information on my tags and labels below, at the end of this post.

Tuesday January 28, 2014

domenica 26 gennaio 2014

Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) by Beyonce sung by The Swingle Sisters

Wonderful version on a CD, on a radio station and at an a cappella festival , isn't it? And you may know something more on my labels and tags below or on my CMChoralMusic and CMPopMusic profiles on StumbleUpon, on CMChoralMusic and CMAmWPopMusic on Reddit or on CalogeroMira on MySpace.


Sunday January 26, 2014

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly by Ennio Morricone played by Studio Orchestra

I was listening to it on a radio programme. More information about it on my tags and labels below or it is listed on CMSoundtracks on StumbleUpon. And there are also CMSoundtracks on Reddit and CalogeroMira on MySpace...

Sunday January 26, 2014

venerdì 24 gennaio 2014

Four Movements for Two Pianos by Philip Glass. Maki Namekawa and Dennis Russell Davies

Surely I did not love it, but I liked it on Composer of the Week, with Donald Macleod, BBC Radio 3.

Friday January 24, 2014

Double Concerto for Violin and Cello no.1 by Philip Glass played by Hague Philharmonic Orchestra, Tim Fain and Wendy Sutter

I was listening to it on Composer of the Week, with Donald Macleod, on BBC Radio 3. I like it.

 Friday January 24, 2014
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